Happiness is a commitment to self!


Happiness will be automatically be there with you once you realise what you have and you understand what could happen to you in case you loose what you have. Human desire is unlimited and one will not get everything that she/he desires. When desire more than you need then it becomes the cause of sorrow.

Let me give an example as child we aspire for bicycle, as a young adult we aspire for bike or scooter, as young with some job we aspire for a car and as move ahead in career this desire gets expanded to which brand and model of car - Merc, BMW, Audi and so on ... See desire never ends, we need to limit our desire along with goals of life.

Desires lead to 'greed'. Greed helps you with material things around you further leading to fake happiness. However, greed takes away everything from you when it is the time for giving back. Of course when you posses so many material things that you desired to have and you have now, leads to arrogance. Greed and arrogance are deadly combination to have.

Happiness comes from within yourself. Your life will be full of happiness once you limit your desires, loose out all fears and clear goals of life. When you believe in Almighty, do good to others and continue doing your 'Karma' - you shall be happier than ever.

Stay happy and spread happiness.



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